COVID-19 Clinical Trials for Treatment and Prevention - Learning from Successes

This talk is the second in a series of healthcare-related talks the Board of Directors of our Fairfield Columbia Alumni Association brings to you.

Attend to hear a talk on COVID-19 given by an expert scientist, Yale University Associate Professor, Dr. Onyema Ogbuagu, who is Yale's principal investigator on multiple investigational therapeutic and preventative clinical trials for COVID-19. The trials he has conducted include remdesivir (now FDA approved), leronlimab and remdesivir and tocilizumab combination therapy as well as the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine trial.

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The talk will discuss:

  • Challenges with conducting COVID-19 trials
  • How treatments and vaccines are evaluated for safety and efficacy
  • Current vaccine technologies and their promise for future infectious diseases outbreaks or existing diseases

The talk ends in a moderated Q&A to answer your questions. Register now to secure your place.


Dr. Onyema Ogbuagu, Brief Bio


Onyema Ogubagu, MBBCh, FACP, FIDSA, is a member of the Yale AIDS Clinical Trials Program, and Director of the Program (since May 2017) and have been a principal and or co-investigator on numerous pharmacokinetic, phase 2 and 3 safety and efficacy trials of novel antiviral compounds (HIV).

He also provides care for COVID-19 patients and leads Yale’s clinical studies around COVID-19.

One of a doctor’s most important roles is to reassure patients, Dr. Ogbuagu says, and information often helps. “For HIV, we are able to tell people now that treatments have evolved to the point where most people with the virus have a normal life expectancy—all you need to do is take your medicine to keep the virus at bay. For COVID, I remind patients that the majority of people have good outcomes, even among the elderly, so that is in their favor.” He adds that patients at Yale who enroll in clinical trials have the advantage of access to potentially effective therapies before they are FDA-approved.

In addition to his work at Yale, Dr. Ogbuagu contributes to creating sustainable patient care, supporting training, and furthering research activities and patient services in Liberia and Rwanda. “I’ve trained a whole generation of physicians in Rwanda, and the first infectious disease fellow ever in Liberia. I think we are making some steps in the right direction,” he says.

Selected Publications:

May 13, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Zoom Talk


Ben Nneji


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