We are glad to announce that a leading expert in the laws governing the World Trade Organization (WTO) has accepted our talk invitation. Attend the talk to hear our very own Professor Petros Mavroidis, Edwin B Parker Professor of Law at Columbia Law School (CLS), talk about China and the WTO: Why Multilateralism Still Matters based on his 2021 book by the same title.
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The key points of the talk include:
1. What is the current state of affairs in multilateral trade cooperation?
2. Has multilateralism fulfilled its promise?
- What are the positives and what are the negatives?
- Has China played by the book?
Are there reasons to believe that things might look rosier from now on? Is “friend shoring” the way forward, or should we rather think in terms of “issues sharing”?
After the talk, we will conduct a moderated Q&A to answer your questions.
Talk Agenda
- 7:00-7:10 pm EST Start. Welcoming Statements, Ground Rules, Updates, Introductions.
- 7:10-8:00 Talk
- 8:00-8:30 Q&A, Thanks, Closing Statements, End.
Professor Petros Mavroidis Bio
Petros C. Mavroidis is the Edwin B. Parker Professor of Law at Columbia Law School (https://www.law.columbia.edu/faculty/petros-c-mavroidis). He is also a Professor of Law at the University of Neuchâtel. He was ALI reporter for the study “Principles of International Trade Law: the WTO” (https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/legal-and-economic-principles-of-world-trade-law/10E3DA38FA9C71437110B4AED70918F1) his latest publication is on WTO Dispute Settlement by Elgar https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/the-wto-dispute-settlement-system-9781803921730.html. He teaches the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO). He also co-teaches a course on corruption and sports, and a seminar on a trade issue.
Petros C. Mavroidis joined the Columbia Law School faculty in 2003. He served as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) legal affairs division from 1992 to 1995 and has been a legal adviser to the WTO since 1996. He was the chief co-rapporteur for the American Law Institute study “Principles of International Trade: The WTO” (2013).
Mavroidis has written 10 books and scores of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His book The Regulation of International Trade won the 2017 Certificate of Merit in International Law for a distinguished contribution to the field from the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law. The two-volume tome is a meticulous exploration of WTO agreements regulating trade in goods. The third volume of the series, dealing with Trade in Services, was published by MIT Press in 2020.
At Columbia Law, Mavroidis is a member of the Center on Global Governance and serves on the boards of advisers for the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law and the Columbia Journal of European Law.
Among his many affiliations, Mavroidis is a member of the American Law Institute, American Arbitration Association, and the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law.